The red in the ribbon on either side of the Bake Parlor trademark compliments the company’s true passion for food innovation. Bake Parlor is the pioneer in marketing pasta in Pakistan and is widely accredited for its contribution to inspiring healthy cooking and eating habits by infusing innovative flavors to make ordinary food extraordinary.
Vintage Burgundy Backdrop
The burgundy backdrop is rooted from the 90’s era when the logo was initially designed to add a personality of sophistication to the brand for which it is widely known today. The signature color is used for quite a few of the brand’s product packaging to date.
Golden Wheat Grains
The significance of wheat is love and charity, that embeds in our corporate tradition to nurture and give back to the communities we operate in. Rasul group partners with several non-profit organizations to play its part as a socially responsible company. Rasul group owns the largest flourmills in Pakistan and is one of the biggest wheat consumers in Pakistan. Our quality control over raw material procurement gives us a real competitive advantage.
White Font
White is an inherently positive color and is associated with purity, light, goodness, humility, safety and understanding; traits synonymous with our company’s values and traditions.